How to Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs

Today you are going to learn how to get rid of cellulite on thighs fast, and with ease.

How to get rid of cellulite on thighs with exercise

Even though 90% of all women have cellulite dimpling on their bodies, very few of us really know how to get rid of it.

There is only one true guaranteed way to remove cellulite and that's with exercise. Traditional workouts were not created toward the removal of cellulite, and some exercise moves can actually make it look even worse.

We are going to discuss four excellent exercises that are perfect for getting rid of cellulite from your thigh area. This simple leg workout is also effective for removing saddlebags, and tightening muscles for slimmer, smooth, firm legs that just scream s-e-x-y!

You should perform each of these thigh and leg exercises once per day, until you are satisfied with the results. You will start to see changes within the first week.  

I don't think any woman wants to look in the mirror and see the sight of dimpled, lumpy fat staring back!

Numerous studies focusing on cellulite have been conducted, one of the topics proven is the fact that cellulite has attacked over 90% of our entire female population, even the skinny one's.

Isn't it time that we ladies start fighting back? Are you ready? Good, let's get started!

How to Get Rid of Cellulite on Inner Thighs:

Our beginning exercise move is known as the inner-thigh lift. This move will tighten the fat on the inside of the leg, and create that thigh gap. The best part about this exercise is that it begins to work immediately, you should start seeing results the very first week.

Step 1- Lay on your left side on workout mat or towel, bend elbow and rest your head on your left hand. Place right palm flat on the floor, this will help you to keep your balance. Keep your hips aligned correctly by tucking in your abdomen and buttocks.

Step 2- Bend your right knee and place right leg in front on left knee, flex your foot and raise left leg about 12 inches or as high as you can without straining.

Step 3- Lower leg back to starting position using a slow controlled motion. Do one set of ten, and then do the other side for ten as well. Next week add five more to each side stop adding when you are satisfied with the results.

Watch the video below to see an example:


How to Get Rid of Cellulite on Outer Thighs:

Our next exercise is a simple leg lift that is meant to tighten and smooth the outer thigh.

Step 1- Lay on your left side on workout mat or towel, bend left knee to form a 45 degree angle. Put your right hand on top of your hip to help keep it aligned, tuck buttocks in and keep abdomen tight.

Step 2- Straighten and lift right leg 2 feet off of the floor, and hold for the count of five.

Step 3- Slowly lower leg using controlled motion.

Do one set of ten, and then do the other side. Try to add five more each week until you finally see what you like.

Watch the video below for an example:


How to Get Rid of Cellulite on Back of Thighs:

The name of this exercise move says it all, it's called.. drum roll please.. The Thigh Buster!

Step 1- Get down on your knees on workout mat, or towel, elbows on the floor. Inner lock fingers together to rest forehead on hands.

Step 2- Breath in and raise right leg, and press up toward the sky until thigh is parallel to the floor.

Step 3- Breath out while bringing leg down in a slow controlled motion but do not allow to touch the floor. Without pausing repeat with same leg.

Do one set of 15 on each side. Add 5 more each week until you reach your desired results.

Watch the video below for an example:


How to get rid of cellulite on Thighs, and Buttocks by using squats. 

Here's an exercise move that smooths the inner, outer thigh, and buttocks all at the same time is the basic squat. I'm almost positive that everyone knows how to do this one, but I am still going to post the instructions and video demo just in case.

Step 1- With feet hip distance apart, stand straight and place the bulk of your weight over your heals.

Step 2- Extend your arms straight out to the sides of you, and slowly bring them to the front parallel to the floor as you lower your body down to sitting position.

Step 3- Keeping your back straight push back up to starting position bringing arms back out to sides and start again. Aim to do 15-20 of these thigh smoothing squats per day build up weekly if you can.

Watch the video below for an example:

If you have other cellulite trouble spots, be sure to click here for some more great anti cellulite exercises!